Answer these short questions to apply for transformation coaching with Flex Success. The response to your application may be found in the spam folder of your emails. Please be sure to check there.
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 8
What are your goals? And how many times have you attempted to reach it?
Question 2 of 8
On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being 'not at all' and 10 being 'extremely'), how ready are you to make the necessary changes to your nutrition, movement, mindset, and habits?
Question 3 of 8
What are some current habits of activities that you engage with, that take you further away from your goal? And are you willing, with the help of your Flex Coach, to learn how to adjust, swap, reduce, or stop?
Question 4 of 8
Have you already been in contact with a Flex Coach about starting? If so, who, and what was the result of the conversation?
Question 5 of 8
How 'coachable' do you think you are? Being 'coachable means: In a position to make changes and do the necessary work, communicate with your coach openly, learn new things that might contradict your current beliefs, and own up to slip-ups then work to rectify them.
Not coachable at all
Somewhat coachable
Very coachable
Question 6 of 8
Do you currently or have you in the past used PEDs?
I have not ever taken PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs)
I have not taken PEDs in the last 5 years or longer
I have taken PEDs within the last 5 years, but not currently
I am currently using PEDs
Question 7 of 8
Please leave your name and email address here so a member of our team can contact you about your application for 1on1 transformation coaching with Flex. If you have further questions before starting, you can reply to the email to get your questions answered.
Question 8 of 8
Is there anything else you would like to add?