STEP 1: Book a time
Select the coach you wish to consult with below. You will be taken to their available times, where you can then choose a time to have your consultation.
STEP 2: Pay for a call
Your initial consultation payment (taken before the call) allows for up to 30 minutes in duration. If you require extra time, it will be charged after the call in 15-minute increments, pro rata.
STEP 3: Fill out the consult questionnaire
If you are a new consultation client, you will be emailed a link to your private consultation folder and sent a short questionnaire for you to fill out. This helps the coach understand your needs so you get the most out of the call.
*Please note: If the coach you are seeking is not listed below, this means they are currently unavailable for consultations.
You may email [email protected] to request their assistance but this does not guarantee the coach will be available.
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